Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just like that life changes!

John fell at the first of September and hurt his back.  After a few days of not feeling better we started down a long path to learn that it was broken.  That lead to a journey of waiting to see the back doctor the end of September.  That lead to two ER visits, being told he was fine and we should go home, to being told he needed the ICU all in a course of two days.  After being admitted to the hospital things were not looking so good.  We decided to get home and celebrate for  a few days.  That we did.  It didn't end how we wanted it to but we don't get to be in charge all of the time.  Some days you just have to learn to roll with the punches. 
Here is one of our favorite photos of the celebration we had.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I'm back...

I know you all have missed me.  Well, things are winding down for me in the school department and I really have missed having one central location to look back the easy way and see what is going on in my life.  So we are gonna give this a shot once again.  Maybe it will work, maybe it won't we will see.

Huckleberry Time

It's time to go pick huckleberries. We got up early Saturday morning, heeded to Malad for breakfast. After eating a HUGE breakfast we headed out to Soda Spring.  There is something nostalgic about making the journey to Soda. When I was little Soda was a vacation spot. My mom's twin sister lived there so we made many a trips to Soda. We headed out of town to Wayan. We headed up into a mountainous area. Huckleberries only grow in the right climate. They like the pine line and they like to grow near the base of the tree.  We started hiking up the hill to the "best" picking. Only to discover that   a storm had just rained and the bush and grass was soaking wet. We neared the huckleberry bush only to see empty branches and one or two shriveled berries. Well, we may have just come for a ride. After a few more minutes of picking and a few yummy berries in our tummies, we decided to finish on the mountain and head on with our journey.  We saw signs pointing us to different locations. The one that caught our eye read, Jackson 80 miles.  It only took a few seconds before we were back on the road headed to Jackson Hole Wyoming.  It was a great day of laughing, shopping, visiting and eating.  We stopped under the antler arch to get our tourist photo and them spent the rest of the day shopping through quaint shops.  It was fun to be having a spur the moment trip.  That used to be something that we were really good at. On a whim we would start out and never know where we would end up.

It takes a village

  Today from the sanctuary: I’ve been advocating all week for children! How village life is so important. How having a village helps balanc...