Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday BABY!

Today my loving husband is celebrating his birthday. He said its ok to have people over for his birthday. I guess there is a first for everything. Usually I hear it's just another day. So here it is "just another day list" of reasons I love him and would hate not having him around.

*He understands me

*Loves having his boys around

*He loves to be working on a project

*He is usually willing to do anything with me. Even chic flics

*Late night drives can take us anywhere

*You don't need to plan a huge vacation just to have fun

*Live music often fills our house

*Has given me a chance to try every kind of meat in a can.

*Is the best Laundry Fray EVER

*Likes to work in the kitchen with me

*Loves taking the tipi out for the weekend

* Sews right along side with me

* Humors me by chopping our tree down

* Loves my family & doing things with them

*Will go to the county fair for a date

*Loves spoiling me:)

*Can go from hippie to cowboy in less than 5

*Is very brave when it comes to coyotes in the canyon

*Hates mice more than I do

*Enjoys telling me stories

*Knows a little about a lot of things

*He sleeps late on weekends

*Will help in the yard

*Encourages me when I need it

*Tells me how "cute" the house is when I decorate

* Loves having the kids come and sleepover

* Knows where the great brunch spots are

* Takes date night seriously

* Changes the sheets on time

* Is the best about taking the small tv for football

* Puts up with me blogging from bed

* Is a great "read and discuss" buddy

* Will re arrange furniture with me

* Suffers through dinner at the table

* Listens to my crazy ideas

* Loves visiting

* Is a great Family Night Host

* Is the big masculine shoulder his sister-wives need

* Can always start the weed eater for me

* Will always mow over scooping

* Shares his work room with my decorations

* Loves shopping at DI when I am not with him

* Always brings "surprises" home

* Makes me laugh DAILY

* Loves telling me about what he and Skyler did today

* Visits Hyrum cemetery when ever I need to

* Thinks outside the box

* Makes coffee on Friday

* Likes the bar scene as much as I do

* Loves taking me shopping

* Will try anything once

* Loves going the Southern Utah

* Tells me I am beautiful

* Dreams with me

* Enjoys the simple side of life

A few to grow on

* Know where center streets are
* Loves watching the stars even on a work night
* Always remembers
* Writes "code" on my back about things others should not hear

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