Sunday, September 13, 2009

I MADE it. I LOVE to blog

So here it is blog #100. I started this blog last October so in one year I have told you 100 stories. When I first started blogging I didn't think I would get so hooked. Who knew. I do love logging on and keeping track of what we have done. It is really fun for us to look back on and see what we did through out the year. John thinks that I tell you all to much information. I on the other hand think I only share the BIG highlights of the month with you. Maybe next year I can do better about telling you all of the little stuff.
Some stories are not easy to tell. Others are so funny that I hope they make you laugh. Sometimes life gets to busy that when it slows down you are bombarded with a ton of posts all at once.

To those of you who are faithful followers I thank you for putting up with my silly sense of humor. I hope you at least chuckle while you are reading. It makes for fun conversation when we see each other in human. Sometimes I can't quite understand how you know about things before I tell you...I forget what I blog about.

To those of you who just check in once in a while. Thank you also. I hope you tune in when there is a great story.

And to those of you who just tune in for the music, stand by I will update it soon.

Here is to another year.


  1. Mandy, thank you for your 100 stories. Being away, I really miss all of the little things that come with being around family like you and Gene are able to do. Your blog has kept me up to date, and makes me laugh and cry. You're a great story-teller. I love you both! Cathy

  2. ha ha now to get to 150;)


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