Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Return of the Prodigal Dog
Dear Humans;
I made it HOME! I left last Saturday trying to find something better out there. Beyond the fence where my humans let me roam freely. I headed from my house and found a busy street. I was hit there but I didn't let that stop me. I got up and started running again. It soon became dark and I was not fond of being out in the dark but I couldn't find my way home. I looked around and found a yard full of burrs to lay down in and rest. By morning I was hungry and thirsty and I really missed my humans. I looked around the streets but couldn't find my way home. I found some Cats to chase and they let me have a bit of food. Another night and so I found the best thing out there....grass and weeds to lay down in. I drank from puddles and licked my sores on my nose and feet. Oh how I wished to be back in my kennel with a bowl of fresh water and a treat for going to bed. Next morning I got up and tried to bark to find my way home. A man saw me in his yard. He tried to call to me but I was afraid. I didn't want him, I wanted my humans. I spent three more days out here looking, waiting. On Friday I was getting really close to home. I found my friends yard and then the nice puppy officer showed me her badge and lured me into her big truck with a bone. I took it and went for a ride with her. She called my humans to tell them where I was. I had been on the run for 6 days. I was tired, cold, hungry, dirty and ready to go home. When my humans got there to pick me up I didn't see them at first. A man walked in with my red leash. Then there they were. Mom & Dad. I was so excited I started to jump up to the top of my cage. The man handed me to mom. I jumped on her and licked her face. She said I had to have a tubby when I got home. I didn't care. On our way home the humans stopped and bought me soft dog food for a treat. When we got home I ate and drank and went out back. Then I had a bath. When my bath was over I was ready for a rest. I pulled mom's pants off of the bed and slept on them. Oh how nice is was to be home. They let me stay on the floor for a long time. Then I made my way to my kennel. It was a great night spent in my own bed. Saturday Mom let me sleep in her bed all day while Dad was gone. I couldn't get his bed quite right. I scratched it a lot and moved his blankets. Every car door I heard I went to the window to look for Dad. When he made it home he fixed dinner and I took a nap in the kitchen while he was busy cooking. I am so happy to be home. Here are a few snapshots of my first few days back....
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Made in the USA
Yesterday my great husband sent an email to me urging me to buy in the USA. After reading I think it is a great idea. We are going to take the USA Challenge and buy only things made in the USA. This may be harder than I think but we are going to put our best foot forward and shop USA. We'll let you know how it goes and what things are really hard to find "locally." Here's to us AMERICA.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Is this the end or another begining???
This has been the longest week. Saturday Bella ran away. She got out of the yard and took off to enjoy freedom. I kind of figured she would turn up in doggie jail we would bail her out like all good parent humans and life would be back to normal. Monday was a long day spent looking all over for this little creature that we love despite being frustrated sometimes with her...

Monday night we were just hanging out chilling when I noticed my throat started to have a throat. I croup ointment ed up, turned on the humidifier, put Vick's up my nose, took airborn and went to bed. At 3:00am I couldn't breath and my nose was in a constant state of bleeding. Much familiar and reminded me of these days....

By Wednesday morning I was sick enough I called the doctor for my own appointment. No cattle prod needed. Any one who really knows me knows this is a rare activity for me. Usually, I just tough it out and use home remedies. I have been having this throat thing happen a little too often and so I figured I should have the DR. take a look....
When I got there she tried to culture my throat for strep but couldn't reach the back of it due to the protruding tonsils. Her biggest question was why did I still have tonsils. She figured at my age most of my other child mates had them removed as SOP. She ordered Prednisone and humidity and rest. Told me I could not have the tonsil removed until the swelling went down. That boggles my mind. They are broken and hurting just take them out and all will be well but I guess when you are this old....The one in the middle

It is risky to remove the pesky little things in the back of ones throat. So now after being in bed and stir crazy and eating soup three times a day and taking prednisone, for which I am sorry I made my little dog Rex live on for his whole 8 years with me.... I have started to be able to really swallow. Real food and my tonsils don't come into my mouth. That's great news and now to follow back up with the doctor and determine an appropriate time for the pesky tonsils to come out....

Monday night we were just hanging out chilling when I noticed my throat started to have a throat. I croup ointment ed up, turned on the humidifier, put Vick's up my nose, took airborn and went to bed. At 3:00am I couldn't breath and my nose was in a constant state of bleeding. Much familiar and reminded me of these days....

By Wednesday morning I was sick enough I called the doctor for my own appointment. No cattle prod needed. Any one who really knows me knows this is a rare activity for me. Usually, I just tough it out and use home remedies. I have been having this throat thing happen a little too often and so I figured I should have the DR. take a look....
When I got there she tried to culture my throat for strep but couldn't reach the back of it due to the protruding tonsils. Her biggest question was why did I still have tonsils. She figured at my age most of my other child mates had them removed as SOP. She ordered Prednisone and humidity and rest. Told me I could not have the tonsil removed until the swelling went down. That boggles my mind. They are broken and hurting just take them out and all will be well but I guess when you are this old....The one in the middle

It is risky to remove the pesky little things in the back of ones throat. So now after being in bed and stir crazy and eating soup three times a day and taking prednisone, for which I am sorry I made my little dog Rex live on for his whole 8 years with me.... I have started to be able to really swallow. Real food and my tonsils don't come into my mouth. That's great news and now to follow back up with the doctor and determine an appropriate time for the pesky tonsils to come out....
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tonsils the size of Texas
Who knew that when you were little having you tonsils out could save you this pain and throat ache. Yesterday my tonsils were in my mouth. That is a crazy feeling. You can't swallow and they won't unattach. I went to the doctor who ordered prednisone. That makes everything else feel CRAZY. This morning still had tonsils in my mouth. No easy fix I guess. Dr. said as soon as I heal up she will take them out so I don't have to have this happen again. (I hated to tell her this is the 3rd or 4th time it has happened but I usually ignore it and it goes away) Don't get me wrong...I like her I just don't always run to the doctor when I am feeling ill. Oh well I will keep you posted and if I could get a photo of them I would but I can't so I won't. Maybe when they come out you can all see them:) Good night
Monday, February 22, 2010
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
Saturday Bella decided to make a break. She ran out of the yard and into 24th street. She was hit by a car and then took off running. She has not turned up in any shelter as of yet. We have spent the past two nights combing the neighborhood calling, whistling, talking about cookies loudly. To no avail. It's really quiet around here with out her. No built in alarm to force me out of bed. If you happen to see a black and white dog please call her and see if she likes the name Bella. Ask if she wants a cookie. Hopefully some family found her and she is living the high life. We would just like to know she is.

It was so much fun to see Ogden City truck in dump truck after dump truck of snow to turn down town into a ski hill. 25th Street was blocked and a ski/board/sled hill was created. It was a lot of fun to see people hang out and enjoy out door activities. The weather was not the best but we got a tool box and hot cocoa out of it. Thanks Zack for going with us.

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I love FOG
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ampa's turn to make dinner
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday we had my family over for our family "project" night. We had a great time and spent a lot time together. It is so much fun just to hang out together. I think the project is just a front for hanging out. Here is a snap shot into our night. We made Valentine garland. Some people (all of the young kids) made their own projects up. It added a bit in time but it was a lot of fun.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Cowboy Hats & Broccoli

Gavin came for a sleep over this weekend. His mama and dada were in need of a trip to Wendover so he got to come hang with M & Ampa(Uncle John). He was so interested in going for a walk when he got here that he and John headed to the corner and never looked back. When they came home from their walk, Gavin said "Mamam N Dada bye" That was all. After that he was ready to play. We went down town to the winter fest and looked around then we went to the mail box to drop off the Valentines. Uncle John thought that a trip to Smith N Edwards was next on the agenda because that is what he wanted for Valentines day. So we headed North. When we got into the store Gavin kept looking at all of the animals and making noises that they make. When he saw saddles he was so excited and knew that we would find a neigh some where near. We looked at everything in the store. Gav tried on every hat in the store. We loved the animals of course and were very excited to get a piece of "nany" as we left. Dinner was good. Gavin ate all of M's broccoli. We laughed about it at the time and tried to get him to stop so his tummy didn't hurt but to no avail. He loved it. Bath time was a blast.

Gavin loved squirting with the duck and painting with the shaving cream. He would lay down in the water and shake his head back and forth to show us his hair.

Then off to bed, but not before bedtime stories. We read every book on the shelf and brought a bunch upstairs to sleep with. Gavin loves sleeping in the big bed better than his little bed and once M figured that out the night was lovely. (and the bottle of breast milk @ 3:00am was very helpful)Sunday we ate breakfast and had a great time. Going in and out up and down and playing with snowflake was great but Gavin loved playing all three guitars. He loved it when he could make them ring long enough to get all three ringing at once. His eyes lit up when M played him a song. M finally got him to take a nap, just as mom and dad showed up. They let him sleep a while. When he woke up he past by Uncle John and headed right to M. Then to mom and dad:) He sang and danced. Thanks Gavin for spending Valentines with us and enjoying hanging with us.

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
Things we love in the morning:
warm showers
birds chirping
breakfast out
two cute boys
Things we love in the afternoon:
getting home early
setting sun
nap time
playing fetch
Things we love in the evening:
rain drops
candle light
tv time
moon light
camp fires
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon
Skina Marinky dinky d-dink, skinna marinky doo I love you.
Things we love in the morning:
warm showers
birds chirping
breakfast out
two cute boys
Things we love in the afternoon:
getting home early
setting sun
nap time
playing fetch
Things we love in the evening:
rain drops
candle light
tv time
moon light
camp fires
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said

Ok so I may not be Momma, but I called the doctor. John has been sick this week. It all started on Monday when he called me from work and said he was so sick he was heading home to bed. When I checked in on him that's were he was. No knitting, no "croshing", no nothing. When we went and visited with our FAVORITE doctor she said he needed REST, FLUID, DECONGESTANT, HUMIDITY & LOVE. Ok we can do that. Even if we were looking for something fun to have to do this will work. Rest is easy---NOT. The rest of the work world doesn't know you are sick and doesn't take that message very easily. Fluid- ok does ginger ale and diet pepsi count? DONE. Decongestant-yea something we can easily do. Humidity- oh no we live in a desert not so easy to keep an entire home humid in the winter none the less. LOVE---There we go. It is nice to crawl into bed and veg together in the evening. Oh, what's that I feel? I think my sinuses are clogging to. Now who will take care of us? Love you honey! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
National Jello week
February 7-13th is national Jello week. We don't usually eat a lot of Jello around our house. Usually in the form of Jello shooters or flamingo poo salad. Once in a while we will eat real Jello but not to often. If I am really sick I love to drink Jello water. I think that is the only time my mom ever made jello for us. This is one food that John and I really agree on. It is good in limited amounts and we like it not set as jello!! So what ever your fancy, cheese in green jello, carrots in orange jello, or rainbow salad (Paige takes the pie in this area) make a bowl of jello and enjoy it this week.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pipes and Putty
It seems that the plumbing always breaks at 8:45pm. That means you can't get to the local hardware store because they all close at 9:00pm. Last night the sink was not draining. We tried to plunger the side while holding our tongues. We tried standing on our head plunging. To no avail. The sink will not drain. My husband, suggests we pull the "P" trap off. That scares the "P" of me because I can only imagine how the P gets to the kitchen sink.
My job was clearing out the space under the sink. John gets under the sink for two minutes and the screams start. How is it that you only realize that the pipes are so close to the bottom of the cupboard that once you have water in your bucket you can not get your bucket out of the cupboard? Now we have to transfer water twice to get it out of the bucket. Everything is taken a part and ...... There is not a blockage anywhere. This is kind of scary because if we can't see it now it must be further down the line. We hook up the left side of the sink and wow it works. So we put the right side back together and it leaks. The top nut that holds the pipe to the other pipe is just a slide nut. That may not be the technical term but it has no threads and does not just slides up the pipe and should get tight. Guess what it doesn't. How the heck does this work?
I am frustrated beyond belief because John is not going to be home Friday or Saturday and I know it will drive me crazy to not be able to fix the sink or use it. Why do the plumbing problems always happen at the worst time???
My job was clearing out the space under the sink. John gets under the sink for two minutes and the screams start. How is it that you only realize that the pipes are so close to the bottom of the cupboard that once you have water in your bucket you can not get your bucket out of the cupboard? Now we have to transfer water twice to get it out of the bucket. Everything is taken a part and ...... There is not a blockage anywhere. This is kind of scary because if we can't see it now it must be further down the line. We hook up the left side of the sink and wow it works. So we put the right side back together and it leaks. The top nut that holds the pipe to the other pipe is just a slide nut. That may not be the technical term but it has no threads and does not just slides up the pipe and should get tight. Guess what it doesn't. How the heck does this work?
I am frustrated beyond belief because John is not going to be home Friday or Saturday and I know it will drive me crazy to not be able to fix the sink or use it. Why do the plumbing problems always happen at the worst time???
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