Friday, February 26, 2010

Is this the end or another begining???

This has been the longest week. Saturday Bella ran away. She got out of the yard and took off to enjoy freedom. I kind of figured she would turn up in doggie jail we would bail her out like all good parent humans and life would be back to normal. Monday was a long day spent looking all over for this little creature that we love despite being frustrated sometimes with her...

Monday night we were just hanging out chilling when I noticed my throat started to have a throat. I croup ointment ed up, turned on the humidifier, put Vick's up my nose, took airborn and went to bed. At 3:00am I couldn't breath and my nose was in a constant state of bleeding. Much familiar and reminded me of these days....

By Wednesday morning I was sick enough I called the doctor for my own appointment. No cattle prod needed. Any one who really knows me knows this is a rare activity for me. Usually, I just tough it out and use home remedies. I have been having this throat thing happen a little too often and so I figured I should have the DR. take a look....
When I got there she tried to culture my throat for strep but couldn't reach the back of it due to the protruding tonsils. Her biggest question was why did I still have tonsils. She figured at my age most of my other child mates had them removed as SOP. She ordered Prednisone and humidity and rest. Told me I could not have the tonsil removed until the swelling went down. That boggles my mind. They are broken and hurting just take them out and all will be well but I guess when you are this old....The one in the middle

It is risky to remove the pesky little things in the back of ones throat. So now after being in bed and stir crazy and eating soup three times a day and taking prednisone, for which I am sorry I made my little dog Rex live on for his whole 8 years with me.... I have started to be able to really swallow. Real food and my tonsils don't come into my mouth. That's great news and now to follow back up with the doctor and determine an appropriate time for the pesky tonsils to come out....

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