Monday, August 3, 2009

Sky turns three

Wow it doesn't feel like it's been that long. I still remember the day when Sky was born very well. I was sitting at Maria Castellanos when John called and said we needed to get ready to go to the hospital. Maria was so excited! She kept asking if I would bring the baby by so she could meet him. She ate lunch early so I could leave at any time the baby was born. When we finally hit the hospital we went straight to the nursery to try to take a peek. Then we checked on Jen and Josh. Skyler was so tiny and cute. It was amazing to hold a tiny baby and not break him. Now he is a tall three year old full of spunk and loves to play. He loves camping with us. Some how I manage to collect other children and he loves hanging out with them and playing. He is always a great sport to play any game I can think of. It's time to think of some new games to play with him. He loves to pull out the flash light and make finger shadows on the ceiling. He also loves his floor mat for the cars. We can spend hours on the floor driving cars through the town. It has been so much fun to spend Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with Skyler. We love him so much and enjoy our time with him.

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